Deep Water Ocean Current Measurements at the (confidential) location Makassar Strait, Indonesia
November 2000 to December 2001
Based on the success of the previous project from 1999-2000, Unocal extended the measurement program to a second location in the Makassar Strait in approximately 1435 meters water depth. Ocean Data responded by providing 388 days of continuous deep water ocean current measurements. Ocean Data was responsible for program and data acquisition system design, instrument testing, logistics, all field operations, data recovery and quality assurance, data reporting and management, and program management and contract administration. Data return for the entire program exceeded 99.9%. The final report was delivered to the client January 25, 2002, 50 days after the data were recovered at sea. This report described the physical oceanographic processes observed, and provided graphical presentations of all the data in time series plots, rose diagrams, and statistical profiles. Time series analysis techniques were employed to separate subtidal from tidal currents, other filters were employed to isolate current variability of interest.
Ocean Data Technologies, Inc.