Deep Water Ocean Current Measurements Makassar Strait, Indonesia
August 1999 to October 2000

Deep Water Ocean Current Measurements Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Deep Water Ocean Current Measurements Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Ocean Data personnel provided Unocal engineers with 14 months of deep water ocean current measurements at a proposed tension-leg platform site in the Makassar Strait, Indonesia. Water depths at the site were approximately 1025 meters. These data provided the client with critical information required for the design and performance of the platform. Ocean Data engineers were responsible for program and data acquisition system design, instrument testing, logistics, all field operations, data recovery and quality assurance, data reporting and management, and program management and contract administration. Data return for the entire program exceeded 99.9%, resulting in a complete 413-day data set. Vertical profiles of the upper 500m were obtained at 20-minute sampling; with single-point measurements gathered at discrete depths in the lower water column, especially just above the seabed. A tide gauge was mounted near the bottom, and provided surface elevation measurements sufficient to resolve individual tidal constituents to centimeter-level accuracy. The final report was delivered to the client December 1, 2000, 52 days after the data were recovered at sea.



Ocean Data Technologies, Inc.

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